Citgo station


Brilliant young entrepreneur and pioneer oilman Henry L. Doherty had a vision of creating exceptional business opportunities inspired by progressive ideas of improving the lives of everyday people. On September 2, 1910, he founded the Cities Service Company — and so began the heritage of an enduring success story.

Cities Service would, in due course, lead to today’s CITGO Petroleum Corporation. As one of the first corporations to supply gas and electric utility services to the rapidly developing Midwest, the Cities Service company quickly became a significant powerhouse. From its founder’s contribution to lighting the Statue of Liberty for the first time in 1916, to supplying fuel to U.S. forces during World War II, Cities Service built its foundation as a prominent fixture in the nation’s oil and gas industry.

In 1965, Cities Service debuted its new marketing brand, CITGO, and the now familiar “trimark” logo. Retaining the first syllable of its long-standing name and ending with “GO,” the brand symbolized energy and progressiveness.

Today, CITGO has cultivated a legacy of blending business with purpose, an identity that differentiates it from its industry peers. Our philanthropic DNA of helping improve people’s lives is built on a solid foundation of history, vision and values.

About WEX

CITGO’s fleet card partner is WEX Inc., a leading provider of corporate payment solutions. From its roots in fleet card payments beginning in 1983, WEX has expanded the scope of its business into a multi-channel provider of corporate payment solutions representing approximately 10 million vehicles, and offering exceptional payment security and control across a wide spectrum of business sectors. For more information, visit